RECOMMENDED AGES: 10 Month - 4 years old. We recommend 10-24 months baby to use three-wheel mode. 2-3 years old baby uses two-wheel balance bike mode. Best 3 in 1 design tricycle and balance bike for baby. Meet kids requirements at different ages. Perfect kids'' tricycles for children
EASY TO ASSEMBLE: Our baby bike just need to install the handlebar and seat within minutes according to the instructions of the manual. Compared with other tricycles, XJD tricycle has an additional adjustment of the handlebars, lift seat function, and adjusts the handle angle and seat height(adjustable from 11.8 inch to 14.2 inch) perfectly suitable for growing with baby
STURDY AND COMFORTABLE: Trikes for toddler has safety carbon steel frame, durable widen silent wheels, strong enough for riding indoor or outdoor. Soft handle grips and seat make kids'' comfortable riding
LEARN TO STEER: Our toddler bike is the best birthday gift for baby to learn how to ride a bike. Excellent indoor baby walker
EASY TO ASSEMBLE: Our baby bike just need to install the handlebar and seat within minutes according to the instructions of the manual. Compared with other tricycles, XJD tricycle has an additional adjustment of the handlebars, lift seat function, and adjusts the handle angle and seat height(adjustable from 11.8 inch to 14.2 inch) perfectly suitable for growing with baby
STURDY AND COMFORTABLE: Trikes for toddler has safety carbon steel frame, durable widen silent wheels, strong enough for riding indoor or outdoor. Soft handle grips and seat make kids'' comfortable riding
LEARN TO STEER: Our toddler bike is the best birthday gift for baby to learn how to ride a bike. Excellent indoor baby walker